How to use mile high cleaner
Written explanation on how to clean glass, Rigs, and paraphernalia and trimmers

How to use mile HIGH cleaner

Deluxe cleaning kit for glass

Coat any WARM resin with a small amount of Mile HIGH and Scrub with our tools.
Add detergent and scrub again. Rinse clean.

Happy with a clean piece

The long version…

Soak in Hot Water long enough to impart a lot of heat. It makes it easier for the cleaner and gets the resin molecules to start moving.

Pour out the water, a few drops left behind are fine, it helps distribute the cleaner.

Squirt in cleaner about 30 drops. You don’t need much but USE ENOUGH to coat and clean the whole piece. ESPECIALLY THE FIRST TIME. Cover the openings if possible, then Twist and turn to coat the entire inside of the piece 

Use the brushes. Rub a few drops into your brush to make it easy to clean at the end.

Brush all the surfaces you can reach from any opening. Bend it to scrub the lower section. For regular cleanings this should just take less than a minute.

Canna Mag Magnetic scrubber

Use the RED scrubbing shuttle first if it fits, it is stronger than the WHITE shuttle.

Use only one shuttle at a time. NEVER use both shuttles, they will snap together and may become too big to come back out of the piece. Never drop the shuttle into a part of the piece that it cannot come out of like an interior tube.

The white shuttle is under the black cap of the magnetic wand. Guide the shuttle over the resin as fast as you want, the magnets are strong enough to keep up.

Scrub all spots until the resin melts the use dish detergent and scrub it clean.

A few drops on a paper towel will wipe up any resin left on the sink, tile, counter, or painted wall (wow you got it everywhere!). Work a few drops into the brush then add detergent and wash to bring it back to new.

Eating Cleaner

This is How to use mile high cleaner to clean rigs and bake brownies

RE-USING the reclaim for baking. There is always a blob of reclaim in the rig. Here is how to clean your piece and use the reclaim to bake brownies

*For, fill with hot water to highest level and let sit for a minute.

Clean trim scissors and trimming equipment

How to use mile high cleaner
to clean dry pipes (bowls, chillums, one-hitters)

Let’s face it; Pipes are basic. A good-sized mouthpiece and carburetor, The right feel in your hand.

Your pipe…  beautiful when you bought it but now it is black, ugly and smells like a turd. Cleaning is too hard, smelly, toxic and useless since its going to be dirty again in minutes and who would want to put themselves through that again? 

With just a minute or 2 of weekly maintenance you can have smooth and tasty hits. Not only does it keep you from having to do a Major Clean that takes much longer, it ensures the best air flow and even burn to get the most out of your expensive stash.

Besides, a clean pipe is heavenly…

Cleaning a Dry pipe

Submerge pipe in a cup of HOT water and let sit for a minute. 

(NOTE; For regular cleaning, rinse in hot tap water, For totally gross pieces boil first, see below).

DRAIN the piece but retain the warmth.

Do this for any first time piece. Warm, gooey resin is easier to clean than cold dry resin.

Squirt in some cleaner, brush the interior, bending brushes to access though mouth and carb hole only. The ‘bowl hole’ is thinner and brittle from heating. Do NOT use a brush inside the bowl hole.

Add dish detergent and brush again. 

If your pipe has never been cleaned and is crusty, if you need to poke it just to get airflow or it gives you a big resin cloud (and a headache), well then, your only option is to boil. You can do all your small microwave safe glass pieces this way. See below.

(NOTE: Do not insert brush in the bowl hole, heat may make it brittle).


Boiling microwave-safe pieces

‘You are worried about the smell. We performed this exact procedure in the basement of a restaurant in Boulder Colorado. There is an odor upon opening the door of the microwave, much like a baked potato would waft out its smell. Unlike what you are used to, the smell dissipated by the time the manager got down the stairs 3 minutes later. As I wiped the bowl clean of resin with a paper towel he arrived and sniffed the air. He immediately turned around and walked back upstairs, satisfied we were not doing something illegal in a public building because there was no smell.

  1. Submerge multiple microwave safe glass pieces in a Microwave safe bowl.
  2. Squirt in a tablespoon or more of formula, fill with water to cover pieces but don’t overfill. Leave plenty of room to boil.
  3. Cover with paper towel.
  4. Nuke until it boils. Don’t overboil, it will be messy.
  5. Throw away the paper towel outside (be careful; it is hot and stinks.
  6. Let cool until you can touch them. (do not shock the glass with chilly water, they will crack) Now clean as described above.

The bulk of the resin has come away from the glass. Depending on the size of the openings in your pipe the resin will just rinse out. The chunks don’t even stick to the sink. 

Now use the appropriate brush and a few more drops of formula and scrub through all openings. Bend the brush as needed.

(Note: the bottom of the bowl hole is the weakest point due to thin glass and repeated heating. Be careful and just wipe the inside of the bowl with 2 drops on your finger or paper towel)

Add dish detergent and scrub again. Rinse

A regularly maintained pipe cleans in under 2 minutes with 20 drops of Mile High Cleaner.

A one hitter is clean in 15 seconds.

Checkout the Hippiereview!!!!

Canna Mag scrubber for water pipes

Better than a brush. Scrub your piece from the inside using power and small magnets. The fastest most effective way to clean. Now you can just guide the coated, rare-earth shuttle magnet through the resin and let the formula dissolve that nasty stuff.

As with any cleaning, remove all loose stem, bowl, slide or catcher and wash these as per pipe maintenance.

How to use mile high cleaner to clean accessories (containers, tools, grinders, trays)

Use a soft cloth or paper towel and a few drops of formula to wipe any tray, tool, surfaces, jar, container or part.  Spread or coat formula over sticky surface. Warmth and time help. brush or scrub clean. If appropriate do a final wash in warm soapy water.

Note: for particularly stubborn stickiness on small pieces that are not microwavable. Place items in a small plastic bag and enough warm Mile High Cleaner to coat the parts and leave in a warm place overnight. Wash in warm soapy water. The formula WILL get out of the bag, that is its nature, so make sure it doesn’t leak onto something important.

How to use Mile High Cleaner for industrial cultivation

Our Formula cleans and lubricates your machinery and expensive equipment, reducing stress and wear extending its life and value.

Private Labeled by GreenBroz trimmers, Toms Tumbler trimmers and The Trimmer store. They loved the products so much they put their own name on it.

Cleans any surfaces that can be wiped or washed as a final step. Grows get sticky. Use the formula to clean tables, tools and trimmers. Keep a bottle next to the soap at the sink. Your skin and employees will thank you.

Industrial sizes from 8oz MHC  for personal grows. 32 ounce for moderate size grows and Gallons for Cultivators, grow operations and processors. (store in warm, dry environment)

For general use;

  1. Lightly moisten a soft cloth with formula
  2. Wipe sticky surfaces.
  3. Wipe off (or wash with detergent if appropriate)

Smaller parts and scissors can be submerged in warm formula overnight. Just drip off and wipe down or wash in most cases.

We also offer an ultrasonic cleaner for big operations

The formula works on blades, zippers and surfaces. Lubricate sticky points and joints. Reduce motor stress and extend the life of your expensive equipment.

Used on all trimmer types;

Plate, trammel, mesh zipper, tumbler, bowl, spin, barrel, dry, wet, rotor and shredder.

How to clean trim scissors

Seasoning the Shears

On new scissors apply a small amount to a soft cloth and spread completely then wipe off. This fills the micro cracks in the metal so that the plant matter cannot get a grip and provides some protection against accumulation as well as lubricates the friction points. This is called seasoning the shears.

While trimming, using a soft cloth you can wipe with a very small amount as often as you like. Keep a small towel or paper towel with formula on it and as soon as you build up stickiness, WIPE! Wiping while the resin is still moist is most effective.

black and white, black, white-4712295.jpg

Once they become dry and crusty; soak overnight in warm Mile High Cleaner. Drip off as much as you can to re-use then use a soft cloth to wipe clean or wash in warm soapy water for a brand-new feel!

If you still feel you need to use ISO even after all the facts we have provided on it’s hazardous nature, please do so as a very final wipe and minimize the use of these harmful VOC’s.

The formula is less is odorless, tasteless, inert, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal keeping your grow safe.

Please call for our MSDS.

How to use mile high cleaner

In the bad old days of using solvents you expect leftover resin balls that stick to the sink or countertop. You did not use ISO or any solvent on acrylic, paint, plastic or countertops because it ruins polymers and often ‘re-deposits’ the resin when the solvent evaporates.

Mile High Cleaner is the next generation in cleaning and works on any finished surface and all your stuff; storage jars, tools, trays, kitchen sink, counters, walls, floors, paint, plastic, fingers, hair, glass and paraphernalia. We even had a customer use it on his dog, Spot! We never got the story of how Spot got his spot, but we did get that spot off Spot without a spot of harm to Spot!

Here are some tips:

  • If thick it is still 100% effective; store in a warm place or put it in your pocket for a few minutes
  • Shake well! Warmth helps so rinse item to be cleaned in hot water if appropriate. (Don’t expect a frozen chunk of resin to come off easily for any cleaner!)
  • Use a paper towel and a few drops of Mile High Cleaner to wipe away any non- porous sticky surface.
  • Not for use on brick, cinder block, concrete or unfinished wood
  • Use the brushes to scrub any finished surface then wipe, rinse or wash in hot soapy water.

It works in many ways

  • Wipe the interior of your glass coffee pot then wipe with a few drops on a paper towel…stunning!
  • Wipe a thin layer over the display jars or cleaning tray that get the ‘crusty coating’ and leave for a few minutes in a warm place. EASILY wipe off or wash in hot soapy water.
  • Remove label adhesive
  • Clean oil based paint brushes.
  • Cleans bugs off Motorcycle faring and car grill  

Discover the virtually limitless possibilities of Mile High Cleaner for yourself. Grab some from the shop today.

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