All 3 we tested seemed to work well. For effectiveness they all did the job, and did it well. This is by far the easiest way to keep a water pipe clean. We used hot water and vigorous shaking for all three. This was about 20 second in a regular piece but did take longer in percolated pieces that did not have good water flow.
This was EASY. I mean WOW, this was REALLY EASY. All 3 were pretty much the same.
So far we are tied across the 3 finalists.
PieceWater did not have a method for cleaning the stem and bowl. Rezblock recommended placing them in a bag with 420 cleaner and shaking so nothing new there. However, BonGOO offers a brush, which is VERY EFFECTIVE on the stem and bowl.
The stem and bowl need cleaning as well.
BonGOO includes a packet of Mile HIGH cleaner and a brush for cleaning the stem and bowl.
BonGOO $15.95 for 60ml Glass dripper bottle
RezBlock $19.99 for a 15ml glass dripper
PieceWater $14.00 for 355 ml plastic bottle.
Hold on to your credit card…Piece Water is meant to REPLACE THE WATER rather than adding to the water. It takes a lot of water to fill that Piece.
At $14.00 per 12oz bottle, A standard “Flask” bong uses 16 ounces an would not get one use per bottle. That is $14.00 to be able to rinse a standard Beaker piece clean.
My smallest glass piece uses over 2 ounces of water and would get 10 uses per bottle for a single use cost of 1.40 at best. Daily rinsing is not cheap using PieceWater. Some might try to go multiple days to defray cost per use but that means smoking through the same dirty water until it is rinsed days later. It will smell bad after the first session. I am pretyy sure rinsing daily would taste better than inhaling through dirty water.
So far, This method works but at a minimum of 1.40 per day it is expensive and trying to extend it multiple days is hazardous to your lungs and health, not to mention the disgusting stench.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. Piece Water poses Significantly less impact than using Isopropyl Alcohol or cleaning with a solvent.
DRAWBACKS. Makes the water thick, requiring a harder ‘pull’ to hit. It comes in a plastic bottle. Price.
BEST PRACTICES. That plastic bottle gets me. I dont want to inhale through ‘water’ that has been in a plastic bottle for a while. They are linking more issues to plastic bottles than just the plastic waste. Disposable plastic water bottles have screwed this planet in many ways. I stopped using them except in extreme situations.
PieceWater. It works but you pay a lot and it has no options for cleaing the stem and bowl and they use plastic that may leach into the water and then I would be inhaling it. I am not super worried about that but I want to make the best choice for long term health.
Both BonGOO and Rezblock both use your FRESH WATER, then add a similar number of drops of natural ingrdients to prevent the resin from sticking while you toke. This means you are not paying for water and you get a lot more uses per bottle.
Rezblock recommends 7-14 drops depending on the size of the piece. The average is just over 10 drops
BonGOO recommends 10 drops and add a few for big or percolated pieces.
They are virtually the same as far as amount per use but the BonGOO is 4 times more product per bottle!!! That is BIG.
BonGOO is 60ml compared to Rezblocks 15ml
RezBlock is 19.99 for a 15ml which is nearly 300 drops getting between 20 and 42 applications per bottle.
Minimum Cost per Use is nearly $.50 and could be as much as $1.00 a day for a standard ‘Beaker’ style piece. Still way too much to keep a water pipe clean.
We have looked at the similarities and found them all to be very effective, environmentally sound, healthy alternatives that reduce toxin exposure and environmental damage. We examined some drawbacks and flaws all to help determine best value. We pin our hopes on the last contender…BonGOO.
BonGOO is 15.95 for 60ml which is over 1100 drops. Significantly more product for less money. At 10 drops per use that is 110 applications per bottle even though they only claim 90 on the label. When asked about the discrepancy, the inventor simply replied, ‘Don’t brag and always deliver more than expected’. We are not sure how he stays in business.
…especially when you consider the cost per use of BonGOO is less than HALF the next cheaper resin preventer.
BonGOO costs 18 cents per use.
For a clean, odor free Piece every day that is totally worth it.
Then BonGOO took it one step farther and claim that if you put BonGOO in your DIRTY PIECE it will slowly dissolve the resin over time. Checkout the video of simulated use below
In conclusion, all 3 work well but one is cheaper, can clean the stem and bowl and provides the best overall value…BonGOO
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