MHC is proven faster, cheaper and safer than Isopropyl Alcoh0l. (ISO)
Winner Sustainable cleaner of the year and Best Water Pipe Cleaner… THREE TIMES
“Mile HIGH works INSANELY WELL!” Dope Magazine.
“Man, I am so baked”
“I get the BEST HITS every day in seconds for pennies!
Robert H. III
Then MHC changes resin on a molecular level so it is not sticky.
Red resin has been captured by the golden MHC in the same way regular cleaners use “Micelles”, but they don’t work on resin, Mile HIGH does…
This is NOT dissolving with solvents like ISO, this is CLEANING, like we daily clean all our dishes, using hot water and the right cleaner and scrubbers to make it as easy as possible.
NOTE; Once resin is encapsultated by MHC it is unuseable, but Reclaim from a Dab Rig may be used in baking brownies. Contact us for more info.
The Boring Science on Micelle cleaning… click here.
RED resin naturally cannot stick because it prefers the various Golden ingredients in
Mile HIGH Cleaner.
MHC’s Positively charged formula “pulls” the Negative charged resin from the Nuetral Glass.
Sounds basic but it is PROFOUND! (see video)
Charged organic compounds derived from fractionated plant fruit and nut oils.
These ‘open end’ molecules bond PERFECTLY with the resin like 2 pieces of a puzzle (like how cannabinoids bind to receptors in you).
This is how nature works.
Nothing made by Man!
Charged caprylic glycerides, triacylglycerols, phospholipids, and phytosterols, derived from plants.
All Ingredients are natural, digestible, odorless, and inert. (Food grade edible but not meant to be eaten)
Uses IONIC BONDING similar to how dish detergent bonds to grease.
This is Water-Based cleaning that is FAST, EFFECTIVE, and CHEAP.
(OR the same old shaking ISO and salt, waiting for hours, and still finding spots.)
SO… if you really want to shake…
This is 21 days of shaking CLEAN!
Orders over $25
Eco-friendly, PLAIN packaging
Save money, see if it is on SALE!
Our products work or I will clean your water pipe!
Looking for a cleaner that is
8oz jug equals 1280oz of ISO.
That is 10 gallons of Isopropyl alc.
Clean any resin from any b0ng, glass or hard surface. (Deluxe kit)
Clean pipes and vapes. (Pipe Kit)
Clean DAB and resin stains from Fabric (DAB Drops)
Stop resin from sticking in water pipes (BonGOO)